1. De proletários e aymaras: a Comuna Altenha de 2003 frente à reestruturação produtiva

    From workers and Aymaras: The Commune of Altenha of 2003 in front of the restructuring of production

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  2. O Partido Comunista Português, as Nacionalizações, o controlo operário e a “batalha da produção”. Estudo de caso na Revolução Portuguesa (1974-1975)

    The Portuguese revolution began on April 25, 1974 following a military coup directed against the Salazar-Caetano regime and its colonial war and was defeated only 19 months later, again by a military coup on 25 November 1975. It was during the Portuguese revolution that the main sectors of the economy – banks, insurance and energy – were nationalized. read more »

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