VIOME Workers' Cooperative

Located in: Thessaloniki, Greece | Produces: Natural detergents and soaps

VIOME Workers' Cooperative

VIOME is a building materials factory in Thessaloniki, Greece, which was abandoned by its owners at the peak of the Greek crisis, in 2011. Subsequently it was occupied by its workers, and has been producing natural detergents under workers' control since 2013. 

Legal status: The workers formed a cooperative in April 2014. As of December 2015 there is an auction process for the liquidation of the company assets. 




Recommended reading:

Occupy, Resist, Produce – VIOME. A 30-minute long documentary that recounts the struggle of VIOME for self-management through interviews and participation in its assemblies.

Vio.Me: workers' control in the Greek crisis. A brief summary of the VIOME struggle written in May 2014.


All photos by Andrés Lofiego



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